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Auto Shutdown Your Computer After A Given Amount Of Time

Sunday, January 25, 2009 · 0 comments

Here's A Cool Tip to help you set auto-shutdown of your computer after a specified amount of time. this is a simple shutdown command to set your computer to close all running applications and shutdown properly after predefined time. This tip is very useful to save energy and time. After the execution of this command, a small window will appear to count time of system shutdown. You can cancel this auto shutdown process also. Follow the steps below to set a auto-shutdown process: 1.Click on Start>run 2.type "shutdown.exe -s -t xxx" Without quotations. Here xxx is the time in seconds. you can set any value to it. for further details, refer the image below :

3.A small window opens, saying " your system will be shutting down after xxx time" 4.after the time is over , all the applications will be closed and the system shuts down In the Figure Above, xxx is set to 300 seconds. that means the above command in the figure will auto-shutdown the computer after exactly 5 minutes.

You can also deactivate this auto-shutdown if you want to cancel it after activation just follow these steps: 1.Click on start>run
2.type "shutdown.exe -a" ( this means ABORT)

3.Auto-shutdown is now cancelled.

this tip is very useful if you want your computer to be shutdown after a given amount of time, or when you require it to be shutdown after a download is complete, or when you are are not present.

To Enable Hiding Of Files And Folders In Windows XP


Normally in windows XP, you can view the hidden files and folders using the path, Tool>Folder Options>View, and then check the “Show hidden files and folders" radio box. But sometime due to some spyware/trojan attacks, this radio box is unchecked automatically and you could not show the system hidden files and folders. Click Start button and type regedit in Run option then press Enter for next.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
Advanced\Folde r\Hidden\SHOWALL

Now in right side panel, double click on the DWORD value “CheckedValue", here a small dialog box will appear with the title “Edit Dword Value". To modify the “Value data" information as DWORD Value to 1 then click on Ok button to finish the process.

Now you can easily view the hidden files and folders using the path, Tool>Folder Options>View and then check “Show hidden files and folders" radio box. But next time, if you want to disable this functionality then simply change the value of data box to old value.